
Hello! Be welcome!

My name is Guilherme Norberto, I am a Data Engineering, Polyglot and Multidisciplinary Professional.

Joy and communication to bring people together. Creativity and determination to find solutions. Technology to connect and share it all. Let's make the future happens now!

Passionate for Communication and Technology, my career in Big Data started in 2018 when I began to work with Data Engineering. Since then, I focus my energy beyond the application and the use of technology: I work to integrate people (colleagues, clients, suppliers...) and, thus, to delivering the best results through each talent and tool involved on the projects.

Besides that, I am a Multidisciplinary Professional: I worked in Digital Marketing and Communication for 8 years; as well as I have already led my own business as a French Teacher. By the way, I am a Digital Communication Specialist and Polyglot: I speak Portuguese Brazil flag, French (DALF C1*) France flag, English United Kingdom flag, Spanish Spain flag and I am each day improving my Italian Italy flag.

*Diploma in Advanced French Language granted by the French Ministry of National Education.

» Know more details about my Career

I am cofounder of the 'Escola Livre de Inteligência Artificial' (Free School of Artificial Intelligence), initiative that offers free AI classes in Portuguese and also cofounder of the We❤Data community, a group created for sharing tips, experiences and knowledge between more than 1500 Data Lovers.

My favorite hobbies are doing martial arts (specially, Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), learning languages and travelling.

In my opinion, Planning, Focus and Discipline are the keywords towards Success.

On this website, you are going to find more details about me. But don't hesitate to visiting my profile on Linkedin and Github.

Thank you!

The future is now!

─ Every path begins with the first step ─
Lao Tzu



I am a Data Engineering Professional who has a Multidisciplinary Formation.

Adman postgraduate in Digital Communication, I attended 1 semester of Computing Engineering, I have a Technical Education diploma in Computing and I search constantly to improve myself taking several Technology courses, mainly in Big Data (Data Engineering) and Artificial Intelligence.

Academic Formation

  • Software Engineering [42 School, 2021 - 2023]
  • How to innovate and validate a business using the Startup model [Startadora, 2018]
  • Bachelor's degree in Computing Engineering [Univesp, 2017 - 2018] (interrupted)
  • Postgraduate ("Lato Sensu" Specialisation): Digital Media Communication Management [SENAC, 2013 - 2014]
  • Bachelor's degree in Social Communication: Advertising and Propaganda [Universidade São Judas, 2006 - 2009]
  • Technical Education in Computing [ETESP, 2004 - 2005]
  • And more than 30 accomplished Technology Courses

The titles above are an approximation of my Brazilian diplomas with the American academic titles.

Below, you can see a playlist with some videos that I have recorded during my studies.

The first video of this playlist presents a data reading from a JSON file that are then written in a persistent table. Used tools: Linux, Docker, Scala and Spark.

» Check my Linkedin Posts out

─ All I know is that I know nothing ─


Work Experience

I am a Data Engineering Professional and, since 2018, I have worked on Big Data projects for financial and energy sector clients.

My main activities on this journey are:

  • Connecting people from different departments to delivery great projects
  • Extracting data for better decision making
  • Developing data lake ingestion scripts
  • Creating ETL ("Extract, Transform, Load") data flows

Therefore, I have already used the following technologies in my day-to-day professional life:

guilherme@TH3FUTUR315N0W:~$ used_technologies+=$work, $projects

guilherme@TH3FUTUR315N0W:~$ echo "$used_technologies"

Python, Spark, Bash/Shell script, Git / Github, Drone, Airflow, Docker, Hadoop, SQL, Regex, Pandas, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Linux, Power BI, Hive, SAS, Nifi, Kafka, Talend, Impala, Camus, Adobe, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jekyll, Liquid, PHP, Wordpress, Office...

See my list of accomplished Technology Courses

In addition, I am also a Multidisciplinary Professional. Before working with Data Engineering, I have already leaded my own business as a French Teacher and I worked in Digital Marketing and Communication for 8 years. I had even the opportunity to talk about my career transition to Technology at some events, as you can see in the playlist below. [Videos in Portuguese Brazil flag]

Presentation "Career Transition to Technology" given on 19th october 2019 at Big Data Brazil Experience event.

Enterprises of my journey

  • Data Engineer | Data Engineering / Big Data Analyst
    [Raízen, 2020 - present]
  • Data Engineer | Data Engineering / Big Data Analyst
    [Semantix, 2019 - 2020]
  • Data Engineer | Data Engineering / Big Data Analyst
    [Accenture, 2018 - 2019]
  • French Teacher
    [Entrepreneur, 2014 - 2019]
  • Digital Marketing Analyst, Graphic and Digital Designer
    [2005 - 2013]

» Read my Linkedin Articles

─ The discipline is unbeatable ─
Guilherme Norberto


KSA | Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Knowledge is what you know. Skill is how you do. Attitude is how you act and react to the life's experiences. Following these definitions, I show you some of my strengths.

  • Developing systems using programming languages like Python e Bash
  • Working with Big Data environments both on Cloud and On Premise
  • Learning continuously and always searching to improve myself
  • Having enthusiasm, connecting people and collaborating with the team
  • Communicating in Portuguese Brazil flag, French (DALF C1*) France flag, English United Kingdom flag, SpanishSpain flag and Italy flag Italian

*Diploma in Advanced French Language granted by the French Ministry of National Education.

» See my codes on Github

─ Be like water, my friend ─
Bruce Lee


Who is Guilherme Norberto out of the office?

I love to practice martial arts, to learn languages and to collaborate with initiatives that democratise knowledge.

We love data logo.

We❤Data: Data Community

I am cofounder of the We❤Data community, a group created for sharing tips, experiences and knowledge between professionals and lovers of Data. We are already more than 1500 Data Lovers!

Guilherme Norberto with his Diploma in Advanced French Language - DALF C1.

Professeur de Français

Oui ! For more than 3 years, French classes were my business. "Mon amour" for the France and the French language began in a 3 days trip and became each day stronger since 2013 when I started my studies of this language. Clique here to know more details of this love history. [Text in Portuguese Brazil flag]

─ Paris was not made in one day ─
French Proverb